Tax Rebate Redecorating

Bunk Beds

Tax season is here, and while some dread the coming of this time, others are eager to receive their hard earned tax rebates. One great use for this sudden landfall of money is to invest in your home, purchasing new furniture pieces to spruce up the various rooms, while replacing old items that might be

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Cool Boys Bedroom Ideas

Cool Boys Bedrooms

While characteristics such as functionality and organization may be important in a child’s bedroom, the key thing to the kid that lives in it will be how cool it is. This is a personal space, the first that they will ever have possession of, and as such it should inspire a sense of excitement and

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Novelty Kids Beds

Dollhouse Beds

Sometimes a bed can be more than just a bed. It can be a portal to imagination, providing a child with the prepping point for a thousand spectacular adventures played out in their mind and dreams. Novelty kids beds are like giant life sized toys which can add a touch of whimsy to a room,

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