Out of all the types of beds that you can put in a guestroom, the daybed is by far the most popular choice of homeowners across the country. It’s not really surprising, considering that the daybed is an amazing piece of furniture. For a very reasonable price, it performs so many different functions all at once.
For one thing, it is a comfortable bed to sleep in. At the same time, it is also a great couch where you or your visitors can relax. Moreover, there are also many designs of daybeds that come with built-in storage solutions like drawers. Some even have trundle pullouts for additional sleeping space!
How to Choose the Right Daybed for Your Guestroom
With all the different configurations that you can have in a daybed, choosing the right one for your guestroom can get confusing. But it doesn’t have to be! In order to make the right choice, you just need to take some important factors into consideration.

Floor Area
The size of your guest room will dictate the size of the daybed that you can buy. Of course, if your guestroom is quite big, you can choose any size of daybed you wish. But generally, most people choose twin-size daybeds for guestrooms because these are just the perfect size when used either as a sofa or as a bed.
Need for Storage
When a guest sleeps over or spends a few days at your home, you will have to provide not just a bed for sleeping but a few other items as well. Naturally, you need to give them a blanket and pillows, as well as fresh towels and toiletries. Also, your guests surely want to unpack some of their belongings as well, especially if they are going to be staying with you for a few days.
If you do not have closet space or a small cabinet in the guest bedroom for keeping these items, then getting a daybed with drawers underneath would be a very smart move. Many of the daybeds that we have here at Kids Furniture Solutions come with a 3-drawer or a 6-drawer option if you need storage. These drawers are quite deep and spacious, and even come with safety stoppers that keep them from sliding out entirely.
Sleeping Capacity
If you expect to have more than one guest over at a time, you will need to have extra sleeping space available. Having two beds in the guest bedroom might not be an economically practical idea. You can have some of them sleep in the living room but this might reflect poorly on you as a host.

An easy solution is to get a daybed that has a pullout trundle. This would instantly double the sleeping space in the guest room as needed. And if there is only one guest, the trundle can stay hidden under the bed, safely out of sight.
Decorating the Daybed
When it comes to daybed guestroom ideas for decoration, it is very important to create a feeling of comfort for your guest. As a host, you should make them feel at home, and the guestroom should do this as well. You can easily do this with your choice of décor for the daybed.
A great idea would be to add several throw pillows to the daybed to make it warm and cozy. Use pillows and linens that look nice together, but not necessarily in the same pattern or color. It is also recommended that you add a bed skirt in order to make your guest daybed more chic and inviting.