Bunk beds are an excellent choice for a child’s bedroom. Not only are they great space savers but bunk beds are also a lot of fun for children and even teenagers. These beds are also popularly used in guest rooms and dorm rooms where many occupants need to share the room and where space is at a premium.
Factors to Take Into Consideration
Deciding between twin and full sized bunk beds might sound like an easy task but that is not always the case. There are actually a lot of factors that must be taken into careful consideration so that you can pick the right bunk bed and not end up regretting your choice.
Room Size
Of course, it is imperative that the bunk bed you choose should fit into the room you are placing it in. For a very small room, it might not be practical to choose a full sized bunk bed if it will leave too little floor space to walk around.
Number of Occupants
A twin sized mattress is usually just big enough for one person while a full mattress can accommodate two individuals who don’t mind sharing a bed. Let’s say you have three children sharing a room. A twin over full bunk bed might work, provided of course that the occupants are agreeable to the setup.
Regardless of whether you pick full or twin bunk beds, you will have to choose the kind of material. Wood is the traditionally popular choice because of its durability and elegance. However, many buyers are now opting for metal bunk beds because of their streamlined and modern look. Your choice will also depend on the kind of interior design that already exists in the room.
Different Bunk Bed Configurations
One thing that can make deciding between twin and full sized bunk beds somewhat complicated is the fact that there are a few different configurations that you can choose from.

Twin Over Twin
This is ideal for two children sharing a room. Both top and bottom bunks are twin sized as can be seen in the Grey Acacia bunk bed from KFS. This means it takes up very little floor space while providing comfortable sleeping space for the occupants.

Twin Over Full
In this setup, the top bunk is twin sized and the bottom bunk is full. Kids Furniture Solutions has a few of these bunk beds, like the one from Discovery World Furniture that also comes with a matching 5-drawer chest and nightstand and this merlot set that is fashioned in an L-shaped configuration.

Full Over Full
Two full-sized beds are built one on top of the other, giving the perfect solution for two teenagers or big kids sharing a room. KFS offers this bunk bed option where you can choose from either a trundle bed or 3 drawers for the under bed configuration.

Twin Over Desk
Bunk beds are not only for roommates. They are also great for individuals who need extra space for storage or for a desk. The Donco silver metal bunk bed with desk and stairs is one such option. It includes a twin bed on the top bunk and a long desk underneath that is ideal for doing homework.
As you can see, there are quite a number of options to check while deciding between twin and full sized bunk beds. Kids Furniture Solutions offers a lot of excellent pieces made of different materials and finished with different stains and colors. It would also be good if you can include your child in the selection process so you can get a bed that both of you like.