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Kids Spring Cleaning Ideas

spring cleaning

Spring cleaning isn’t fun at the best of times, here’s how to do it successfully with kids

It’s that time of year again! Spring is in the air and it’s time to start thinking about all of the cleaning we need to do around the house. This can be especially daunting for parents. Things can get downright chaotic when you add children into the mix. But don’t worry – we’re here to help! Let’s discuss some spring cleaning tips specifically for parents with kids. We’ve put together some of the best kids spring cleaning ideas to help you declutter and reorganize your home, making it more kid-friendly – and less stressful for you!


To spring clean effectively, decluttering is the first of the necessary evils. When we say ‘spring clean’ the typical image that comes to mind is dusty air and piles of belongings to wade through. Decluttering is a lot easier when viewed as a two-step process, throw-away, and donate. Approaching it in this way lets you move quickly and efficiently through each step, rather than getting bogged down when tackling it as a single disorganized one.

Organizational Chests


Spring cleaning is made that much easier when you do this step right. This is particularly important with children because clutter accumulates that much faster. In addition, children are constantly growing out of clothes, losing interest in toys, and let’s face it, breaking things. Minimize what you need to sort by throwing away anything that is damaged beyond use, clothes, toys, books, furniture; if it’s broken, throw it.

The great donation

Decluttering is not about getting rid of everything, it’s about deciding what is important. After throwing away anything that’s broken or damaged, create a donation pile for anything excess that you don’t want to keep. For clothing, this can be items that are stained, out of style, or damaged. It can also be furniture that clashes with your décor or your children have grown out of or toys they have lost interest in. Don’t forget to include books and electronics like phones and laptops in this process, they can easily be overlooked but take up a lot of space in your house and can be of great value to the less fortunate.


If you have decluttered successfully, the sorting step will be much easier and quicker. Clothing can be arranged by season, spring and summer clothing goes into the closet and dresser, winter clothing can be stowed away under the bed until next year. A Captains Bed from KFS is an excellent solution for easily accessed and well-organized under-bed storage.

spring cleaning for kids

Sorting should also include toys, books and electronic equipment. For toys and electronics, put away all of those little pieces in storage containers with their set so they don’t get lost and are easier to store. Books are great, but can take up a lot of space. Having clever ways to store books, electronic equipment and toys will really help with staying organized. The KFS Kid’s Furniture catalog has solutions from wheeled toy chests, to desks, dressers, bookshelves, and more, to keep your child’s room decluttered.


With as many items as possible thrown away, donated, or stowed, now is the perfect time to consider your current décor and storage solutions. As your children grow, their needs change, if their furniture is no longer a match for their lives, consider updating their room with furniture that meets their changing lifestyle. KFS has a great range of furniture and accessories to help you come up with your own kids spring cleaning ideas and create a space that is easy to keep clean and organized. And remember, everything discussed applies not only to your children’s rooms but can be applied right throughout the house.

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