It can be difficult to choose gifts for kids and there are so many considerations – the child’s age, interests, and what they might already have. If you’re struggling with gift ideas, why not go for gifts for kids’ rooms? It’s almost guaranteed that they won’t already have what you choose, and they’ll love having something practical or decorative for their space. Let’s look at some ideas.
Practical gifts for kids rooms
Practical gifts can be defined as ones that have a function, and there are lots of gifts that could fall into this category. We’ll break it down into sub-categories.

Desk accessories
No matter the age of your child, having a desk for writing, drawing, or playing is always a good idea. If your child has a desk, you can choose gifts for their desk. Here are some ideas:
- Pen tubs
- Notebooks and pens
- A pinboard
- A peg board
- A white board or chalk board
- Some stationery
Bed accessories
As we’re talking about practical accessories, we don’t mean soft furnishings here (that will come later). Practical accessories include:
- A wall lamp
- A wall shelf
- A clip light for their headboard
- A side table for their tablet or phone
- A bed tent
- Cozy blankets
- Cushions
- A cute hot water bottle
Wall and ceiling accessories
One area often overlooked in a room is the ceiling. Nowadays, you can get swings that hang from the ceiling, which I’m sure would be a really welcome gift for kids of all ages.
For the walls, how about considering some clever storage, or a jewellery box mirror?
Other bedroom practical accessories
Does your child have friends to stay over? If so, they might appreciate a mini-fridge filled with their favorite drinks! Don’t forget a nice bin to put any trash in.
Decorative gifts for kids rooms
Decorative gifts are ones that add to a room’s appearance but have no other function. Let’s see what you could buy in this section:
Decorative gifts for the walls
We’re not talking just about pictures here, but of course, they’re always welcome. Here are some other decorative wall gifts to consider:
- Plants (fake or real) to put on the wall
- Macramé wall hangings
- A clock
- Decals or wall stickers
- Posters
Decorative gifts for seating areas
If your child has a designated seating area in their bedroom, you could access this with cushions, bean bags, throws, or blankets, for example.
Decorative gifts for the bed
Who doesn’t love fresh bedding? Choose some new bedding for your child or have them pick a new set if they’re a little older. Add to that some scatter cushions, a new soft toy and a throw, and you’ll have a really cozy space.
For an even more magical bedroom, how about some lights around the headboard?
Larger gifts for kids rooms
If you’re going big, consider a children’s recliner chair, a changeable seating area, or a new loft bed. Kids of all ages love changes to their rooms, especially if they get to have an input.
Final thoughts gifts for kids rooms
If you’re ever stuck for gift ideas, choosing items for your kids room is a good place to start. Whether you go for something practical, something decorative, or both, you’re sure to find something that your kid loves. Rugs, shelving, desk accessories, new furniture, or even a ceiling swing are all great gifts that kids will welcome with open arms!