Everyone has a tight budget, especially when they have kids.. That’s why you want to find the cheapest kids furniture that you can, without sacrificing quality. This is especially true of bunk beds which are already economy purchases. Luckily there are a number of highly affordable children’s furnishing companies that you can choose from that produce extremely durable and high quality pieces at a low and often discounted rate.
At KFS Stores our commitment is to offer our customers the very best kids furniture pieces at prices that are below market. Our prices speak for themselves, but at the same time our quality is unmatched. Not only do we offer premium kids bunk beds at lower than average prices, we offer bundles with other furniture pieces like desks at an even lower price.
If you are buying a bunk bed then space is at a premium. However you don’t want to sacrifice the ability to nurture your child’s education. By purchasing a bunk bed with a desk you are combining two pieces while only sacrificing the room for one. The desk can slide easily under the elevated sleeping surface, leaving everything around it open and free.
It may seem foolish or even dangerous to purchase cheap bunk beds and desks, but the way that you know that KFS offers quality furniture is that our items actually exceed the ASTM standards for safety. That means that the items we sell have been verified by a government agency to be not only at the standard needed, but above it.
That fact means that you don’t have to sacrifice furniture quality just because you want to save money. The prices we offer are lower because we are virtual, and don’t have the overhead of a store front. Those savings are passed on to the customer, allowing you to have cheap, affordable, high quality bunk beds and furnishings for your kids.
The great thing about our cheap bunk beds and desks is that they can actually outlast your kids’ usage. As they grow older children will want another bed, but these furnishings are so functional that you can repurpose them in a guest bedroom, playroom, or even send them off with your kids to their first loft apartment. The durability and quality of the construction allows for years and even generations of use.Â
Cheap Bunk Beds With Desk