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Pictures Of Loft Beds

The best way to find the perfect bed for a child’s room is to look at pictures of a number of different options. That will give you an idea of what is available. At the same time it will allow you to creatively visualize what different models will look like in the space where they are being used. For this reason we are presenting a variety of loft bed pictures for your edification. The best way to use these is as a guide, to help you purchase the perfect furniture piece for the space where it will be utilized.

Pictures of loft beds

Discovery World Furniture Twin All In One Espresso Loft Bed 2903

This all in one loft bed is a complete furniture solution for tiny cramped spaces. It features a raised sleeping surface to free up room underneath, as well as a built in desk, and numerous storage options. The perfect solution for young students and crafters looking for more space to play their passions.


Pictures Of Loft Beds

Discovery World Furniture Twin Doll House Loft Beds 0301

This is a fun and whimsical loft bed option, that has been painted to look like a living doll house. The raised surface sits at the top of the structure, while below there is a hollow that can be used for a second mattress, storage, or even as a secret club house play area. This is a great way to inspire creativity and imagination in your children, while also saving space in cramped rooms.


wooden loft beds

Discovery World Furniture Twin over Desk Merlot Convertible Bunk Bed 2816 DESK

This is an elegant solution for children and student forced to handle small, cramped living quarters. It features a raised loft bed design, with a spacious area underneath for placing a desk, a dresser, or even a second bedding area if necessary. A great choice for dorms and first apartments, or any living area that is limited in space and storage options.


Loft Bed Pictures

Discovery World Furniture Twin over Full Honey Loft Bunk Beds 2105

Our twin over full loft beds are a great choice when you have kids of two different ages sharing a bedroom. The cozier twin bedding is great for younger siblings, while the larger bottom loft will help make an older child or teen feel special while giving them their own unique space.


Metal Loft Bed Pictures

Donco Silver Metal Bunk Beds with Desk and Stairs 4504-5-Silver

This is a sleek and sophisticated loft bed look, featuring a silver powder coat that is durable, yet elegant, making it appropriate for a variety of children’s, teen, and young adult locations.


Loft Bed Pictures

White Tent Bunk Bed with Slide 750TW

Our white tent loft beds with an attached slide are wonderful pieces of play furniture, that allow your kids to create an endless array of imaginative scenarios using the secret under bunk area, the raised bedding platform, and the active slide that can bring them speedily down back to the ground.

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