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Decorating a Tween Girls Room

It can be particularly challenging to decorate a tween girls bedroom. This age is a transition point that marks the uncertain flux between childhood, and the more adult state of being a teenager. That means that the child will be a mixture of complex developmental processes, that can change over time. Trying to create a space that accommodates them will require you to match their personality, choosing elements and colors that flow with the unique nature of who they are as a person. That will help to give them a greater sense of identity, which can be important in such uncertain times.

Tween Room Decorating

Discovery World Furniture Merlot Day Beds 2835

When choosing furnishings and accessories for a tween girls bedroom, you want to try and find items that have a timeless quality to them. At that age kids will often change their minds and their whole world view on a day to day basis. By selecting beds, furniture, and other pieces which work for both young, and older kids, you can avoid having them go obsolete. Often solid wood products are a good choice for this as they tend to work in almost any style or decorative setting.

You generally want to avoid childish themes when decorating a tweens room. A bright pink princess style may be desirable to them, but as they grow older and more mature it can end up being an embarrassment as they start making more complex forays into social interactions. Worse, it has the potential to stunt their psychological development, wrapping them in a swaddle of youthful expression that can hold them back from reaching their full potential.

At the same time, every tween girl is different, and it is important to choose decorative elements that match their distinct personality. The easiest way to do that is to get their feedback, and possibly even their help in the endeavor. Talk to them, brainstorm, plan, and come up with ideas that help to mark their individuality, supporting the burgeoning personality that they are developing. This can also be a great bonding experience where you get to learn a lot more about your daughter.

Tween Girls Decorating

Discovery World Furniture Twin over Twin Merlot Staircase Bunk Beds 2814

If you have a tween girl who has to share her room with a sibling, then you will have to balance the needs of the two kids against one another. One thing you can do to save floor space, while also giving each child their own distinct area is to make use of bunk beds. These dimensional pieces of furniture elevate one sleeping surface over the other. That allows the bottom bunk to be a separate, almost private space, that can even be walled off with hanging cloth. The top is also a semi private area, like a tower rising into the sky above everything.

One thing that is important when decorating a tween girls bedroom is to leave at least one big open space for them. This can be used for play, crafting, reading, or just hanging out with friends and family. You can wall the area off with chairs, or delineate it through the use of a central rug. It’s an important aspect of the room because it gives them a place of potential, which they can then use for any activity they like, even if their favorite past times change as they get older.

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