When you purchase bunk beds for a kids room you will inevitably have to answer one question: who gets which bunk? There are advantages to both the top and the bottom, and it is important to emphasize those in order to make both of them seem like great options, and thus avert a fight that could spark resentment as long as they share the room.

Discovery World Furniture Merlot Full over Full Bunk Beds
The good news is that bunk beds can be a way to make the problems inherent with sharing a space easier. The most obvious way is through the functionality that they can provide. By reducing the room taken up with sleeping surfaces by half you can free up whole new areas where your kids can play or craft. Many bunk beds also come with storage features built directly into them, giving you plenty of drawers and shelves to store toys and games without having to add excess furniture pieces.
There’s another reason that bunk beds are great for kids who are sharing a room. It actually gives each of them their own distinct area, separated vertically in space. It’s almost like having a whole second room, one that is visually and even physically separated from the rest of the environment. However that can make the top bunk seem better, which can lead to the debate over who will get that spot.
In these scenarios it is important to extol the virtues of the bottom bunk as well. This sleeping area is also isolated vertically in space, while still having ready access to the rest of the room. It can also easily be covered over with blankets hung from the top, to create a secret cove, cave, castle, or hideaway.
Often the younger child will get the top bunk because they will weigh less and thus put less strain on the structure of the piece. This can in many cases be accommodated by having a larger full sized mattress area below, and a smaller twin size above. This will meet the needs of their growing bodies, while also freeing up visual space and making the area seem more open.
Ultimately the question of who gets the top bunk will be decided based on the individual personalities of your kids. Just make sure that you resolve it in the most equitable and agreeable way possible, as they may be sharing that space for years, and you want to make sure that they are both happy with the arrangement.