Kids furniture should be fun. They live lives of whimsy and wonder, and that should be encouraged so that as they grow their minds stay open to the possibilities of inspiration and imagination. Luckily, there are a lot of ways to implement some joy into a child’s room, either through fun and crazy furnishings, or by looking at existing furniture in a new way.
There are a lot of funky furnishings you can find for children’s rooms. This will often be in the form of functional furniture pieces, but with a slightly different twist. Race car beds are a classic example of this, as are castle and dollhouse beds. Warped bookshelves, brightly painted tables, or even just a dresser decorated with their favorite character. There are also non-functional but still fun furniture pieces such as slides and “my size” playsets.
There are lots of ways to have fun with just regular furniture too. Have you heard of the game Don’t Touch the Floor? You don’t have to buy it, it can be played with a bed, a couch, or even some pillows on the ground. Bunk beds can be made into hideouts with a blanket draped over them, and even single beds can be built up into a fort by strategic stacking of pillows.
Another way to make furniture more fun is to turn it into a craft. Old furniture pieces can be sanded down and painted a variety of fun colors. Let the child choose the color they want to give them a sense of ownership. Even something as simple as stickers or decals can help to dress up an otherwise drab furnishing. At the same time, the act of planning out the details and undertaking the project will give the two of you a chance to bond.
There is another piece of fun furniture that is already in your kids’ bedrooms. That’s right, toys themselves can be considered part of the decor of the space. Larger pieces such as doll houses or castles are not just for play, they are artistic features of the room that can come to life as your child adjusts them to tell different stories in their mind. Oversized dolls can also be posed with whole scenes built around them, and even smaller toys can become integrated into the decorative design of the space.
Fun kids furniture is a matter of looking at the world through the eyes of a child. This can mean splurging on an epic life size dollhouse bed, or a chair shaped like a rocket to the moon. It can also mean simply looking at the furniture that’s already in the space, and re-imagining it in new and exciting ways. It’s all up to your imagination.
Fun Kids Furniture