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Treasure Chest for Kids – Merlot

Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $329.00.

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Treasure Chest for Kids – Merlot

Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $329.00.

A treasure chest for kids is a world of imagination and possibility, as well as functionality and fun. Featuring a striking merlot finish over solid natural wood materials, it hs an air of importance that will fire up a child’s imagination as they think of what treasures they could store inside. At the same time the refined style of the furnishing means that it can stay with a child as they grow, or be passed on for use in spare bedrooms, guest rooms, and dens.

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SKU: 82804-2 Compare

If your kids are like most children, chances are that they love collecting things. It can be toys, stones, baseball cards, stickers, even drawings that they have made, or any other item that they have gradually collected over the years. As they grow up, they may lose interest in actually adding to their collection, or their interests may have changed, but they will adamantly refuse to part with the items purely for sentimental reasons.

Finding storage space for these items can be tricky especially if your child does have much space in the closet. For such a problem, this treasure chest for kids in merlot provides the perfect solution.

Turn Clutter into an Organized Collection

Oftentimes, kids’ precious collections end up in miscellaneous boxes or bags that are shoved into the back of the closet or worse, in the basement or attic, never to be seen again. Instead of relegating these treasures to such an undignified resting place, why not give your child this treasure chest for kids?

This chest will let your child properly store their treasured items and also keep them safe from the mold and mildew that are sure to take over once they are in the recesses of the basement. Aside from being an elegant storage solution, this treasure chest for kids will actually teach children responsibility for taking good care of their treasured items.

Having their collection carefully stored right there with them in their bedroom instead of tucked away in old boxes will show your kids how to take care of valued possessions, which is a great lesson that they can take with them all the way to adulthood.

Perfect for Children of All Ages

One of the wonderful features of this solid pine wood chest is that it works very well for children of all ages. It is low enough for very young children to reach and the drawers are not too heavy for them to pull out. The wood also has a chemical-free finish so there is no worry of inhaling toxic fumes from the wood. This chest has no sharp edges as all corners have been carefully rounded to keep from causing injuries.

Older children will also be able to appreciate this furniture in their room. It’s not only great for storing keepsakes but is also a nice place to contain other items like small pieces of clothing, or maybe a stash of snacks that they can easily get their hands on if they get hungry in between meals.

Elegant and Timeless Design

The solid pine wood that is used to create the treasure chest is a classic material that will not grow stale over the years. In fact, it will look even better as it ages. The merlot finish also adds to the aesthetic appeal of the furniture. It will look stunning in any bedroom and with its looks alone, it can very well be the focal piece in any area.

You can make it look even better by adding some accessories over it like a nice table runner that matches the central theme of your child’s room. On the top of the chest, your child can place his fish bowl or hamster house, or a vase with colorful flowers to brighten up the room, or maybe a few picture frames with captured family moments.

There are several different ways to use this treasure chest for kids but what’s for sure is that it will be a great companion for any child because it will keep his most precious memories and secrets throughout all the years of his childhood.


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